
September 09 New Releases

Hi Cabinboys!!,

A new tribe come into play with Gangan, a small shaman who will made to run more than one. From here we must thank the collaboration of all those people who participated in the online contest for this character and just hope you like it and enjoy it, that is all we expect.

Una nueva tribu se estrena en esto de la piratería a cargo de GANGAN, un pequeño chamán que hará hechar a correr a más de uno. tenemos que agradecer desde aquí la colaboración de todos los que hayan participado en el concurso online de los hechizos de este personaje y solo esperamos que os guste y disfrutéis con él, es lo único que esperamos.

Download his Row Cards here.

Our other character is ... but I do not know if too old ... in fact he is dead ... or so. In short, Hueson Smith, the gunman, comes to make war with his big cannons and his trembling hand! More than one will not know if he is shooting enemies or friends but anyway it is dangerous. If I were you, I would try to stay away from his eye, he has bullets...

Nuestro otro personaje es...no sé si de cir mas viejo...de hecho está muerto...mas o menos. En fin, que Hueson Smith, el pistolero, viene para dar guerra con ese trabuco y su tembleque de mano!! Mas de uno no sabrá si lo que tiene entre las manos dispara a amigos o enemigos pero desde luego da caña. Yo lo que intentaría es mantenerme lejos de su mirilla, por si las balas...

Download his Row Cards here.

More pictures here.

See you in the sea!!!!
Cap. Ronald Morris.

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