
III Encuentro en el Escorial

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Tale Of War, estará presente en el III encuentro de Miniaturismo de el Escorial.
-23 y 24 de Mayo
-El III Encuentro de Miniaturismo tendrá lugar en el Teatro-Auditorio de San Lorenzo de El Escorial,
Parque Felipe II, s/n.

Toda la informacion aqui:

Os deseamos un feliz evento.


French Distributor

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Ludik Bazar becomes in our new French distributor. This way we try to improve our service to the french players and retailers.



May New releases - Novedades de Mayo.

1 comentarios
Hello Guys!!

Here you have the last news from Ron&Bones. From now you have available a new secenary pack with 2 riggins and 1 Walkway.

The Ron&Bones Seal,

Link to forum Topic:
New Releases Ron&Bones

And to finish, here you have 6 new free downloadable stages for enjoy the Ron&Bones sea with you own crew.

English version:
Versión en Castellano.

Hope you enjoy them!!!!
Johan A. Bones.