
Voodoo Contest MAY 2009

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Our small shaman of unknown name has lost his book of voodoo spells somewhere in his settlement, and cannot embark without it. For limit of the limits his mother forgot to give him a name. Give it a name and help him to write a new book of spells to conquer his enemies.

Read more about the contest conditions here:

Keep on board!!!!
Johann A. Bones

Step By Step, Learns to play quickly.

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Hi Guys!!!!

Now you can read a step by step of a discusion between 2 pirates, done by our great french friend Belisarius.

Here the original file from the FRENCH Ron&Bones Blog:

Here you can read the ENGLISH and SPANISH version:

From here thanks to Belisarius and Agkay for his great work.
Hope that you like it!.
Ronald Morris.


Boarding!! - ¡¡Al abordaje!!

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Hello little wolverines!!

Here you can see a bit selection of pictures of the last presentation of Ron&Bones game in Quimera(7 March 2009).

During all day a lot of attendees has gone to quimera to play games, see the new releases and meet to all the Ron&Bones team.

Durante todo el dia muchas personas se pasaron por Quimera para conocer de primera mano Ron&Bones y su mundo.

We create a board of ship in 3d where throughout the whole day the attendees could play a great quantity of row games between buccaneers and corsairs.

Creamos un tablero de barco en 3d donde a lo largho de todo el dia los asistentes pudieron difrutar de una gran cantidad de amotinamiento y peleas de bucaneros y corsarios.

In the showcase of exhibition the attendees could see all the original ones Ron&Bones, sculptures, paintings. And also many of the future new releases that will go out to the sale throughout this year and of the following one.

En la vitrina de exposicion los asistentes pudieron ver todos los originales Ron&Bones, esculturas, pinturas. Y tambien muchas de las futuras novedades que saldrán a la venta a lo largo de este año y del siguiente.

Multitude of painters and sculptors has work int the table of demonstrations to show his work and skills to the attendees.

Por la mesa de demostraciones han pasado multitud de pintores y escultores para enseñar a los asistentes su trabajo y habilidad.

In the evening there came the moment for that we we all were waiting, the official presentation of the game.

Por la tarde llegó el momento que todos estábamos esperando, la presentacion oficial del juego.

The ship has set sail of the bay of Chimera, can that our next assaulted port is yours.

El barco ha zarpado de la bahia de Quimera, puede que nuestro próximo puerto asaltado sea el tuyo. Sigue atento a las noticias de este blog.

Muy best regards,
Captain Ron. Morris.